5 Best Anti-Snoring Devices of 2020

Thursday February 27th, 2020

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Over 90 million Americans are affected by snoring. No wonder there are so many anti-snoring devices on the market today!

Snoring is caused by a constricted airway and is the sound of turbulence and soft tissue vibration in the back of the throat. All anti-snoring devices work towards keeping that airway open. Some work passively while others provide some type of sensory alert. But are they all effective?

The Top 5 Snoring Solutions of 2020

1. Chin Straps

Chin straps help keep your mouth closed so that your jaw is repositioned to keep the airway open.


  • Adjustable
  • Inexpensive
  • Non-invasive


  • Can take a while to get used to
  • Doesn’t work for everyone
  • Not supported by research

2. Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs)

MADs are oral devices that are that look like a mouthguard and work by shifting the lower jaw (mandible) forward, preventing air blockage.


  • Can be purchased ready-made or custom fit
  • Works in any sleep position


  • Can shift the teeth position
  • May be uncomfortable
  • Not suitable for people with dental problems
  • Can cause dryness of the mouth
  • More expensive than chin straps
  • Custom-made MADs can run to thousands of dollars
  • Adjustment time greater than a TSD

3. Tongue Stabilizing Devices (TSDs)

TSDs are another type of oral device that differs from MSDs by holding the tongue in place via gentle suction, without repositioning the jaw. They also pull the tongue forward, away from the back of the throat, thus keeping the airway open and preventing snoring.


  • Less likely to cause jaw discomfort
  • Less likely to shift the teeth position
  • Smaller and less invasive than MADs
  • Relatively economical
  • Works with dentures


  • Takes some getting used to
  • Can generate drooling or dry mouth

4. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

CPAPs are often used for moderate to severe sleep apnea. CPAPs include a machine, hose, humidifier, hose, and a special mask that covers the nose during sleep. The machine applies a set amount of pressurized air into the lungs to keep airway tissues from collapsing, thus allowing air to flow smoothly.


  • Helpful for severe sleep disorders
  • Insurance may cover the cost


  • The system is cumbersome
  • The mask may be uncomfortable
  • Can feel claustrophobic
  • Pressure sores or skin irritation often occurs
  • Airway gets dried out from the continuous flow of air

5 .Anti-Snore Wristbands

Pulse wristbands that help you sleep snore-free are far less intrusive than other anti-snoring devices, including anti-snore alerts that shock you awake. A pulse-wear sleep device emits natural pulses when a loud snore is detected, prompting the body and jaw to realign.


  • Doesn’t wake you up when you snore
  • Your body and jaw are re-aligned naturally
  • No discomfort
  • Safe and effective
  • Reasonably priced
  • Works in any sleep position


  • More expensive than a chin strap
  • The Sleep Connection Anti-Snore Wristband is an anti-snoring band that has been scientifically designed with a biosensor that detects loud snores, sending out natural electrical pulses. These pulses won’t disturb your sleep but will gently reposition your body and your jaw to allow for better airflow, eliminating the cause of snoring.

Get the best the first time around. The Sleep Connection Anti-Snore Wristband is the easiest and most cost-effective way to get a good night’s sleep!