Causes of Sleep Loss and How to Avoid Them

Friday May 1st, 2020

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Sleep Loss Can Cause Problems Ranging From:

Drowsiness the Next Day

Reduced Immunity

Lack of Concentration

Impaired Memory

All the Way to:


Sleep Apnea

Mood Swings

Increased Risk for Stroke and Heart Disease

Ancreased Risk of Car Accidents.

Here are some of the causes of sleep loss and how you can avoid them.


1. Irregular Bedtime Routine

2. Too Much Caffeine

3. Eating Too Late at Night

4. Lack of exercise

5. Anxiety

6. Allergies

7. Alcohol Intake

8. Job Shift Change

9. Bedroom Environment

10. Snoring

Life happens, and we can't always control what comes our way. But there are things we can do to improve our sleeping habits on a regular basis. Sleep is foundational to a healthy life.


Here's what you can do instead:


Stick to a regular bedtime every single day. Also, don't stay up late on the weekends just because you can. The National Sleep Organization says that the best sleep begins during the hours between 8 p.m. and midnight.


Avoid caffeine after 1 p.m., whether it's from coffee, caffeinated tea, or chocolate.


Avoid eating a large meal within two hours of bedtime.


Be sure to exercise vigorously every day, but not right before bedtime.


Make winding down before bedtime a priority. Your body and your mind need to know it's time to shut down and go to sleep, so get them ready. Find a relaxing routine or technique that works for you, like lowering the lights, reading, meditating, deep breathing, or gently stretching before going to bed.


If you have allergies, likely you are a snorer. To help you sleep through the night, get an anti-snore wristband.


After the initial effects, alcohol has the opposite effect of a depressant and will actually increase the number of times you wake up at night.


If your job shift has changed recently, your body needs to adjust. This can be difficult, as our bodies have a built-in circadian rhythm. This is the body's internal clock that regulates our wake-sleep schedule, among other things.

Everyone's circadian rhythm may be a little different, which is why some people do better in the morning, while others thrive at night. Know and be sensitive to your body's needs.


Keep your bedroom clean and clear of clutter. Make it a relaxing and welcoming place. Keep your bedroom dark at night, quiet, and on the cooler side. Turn off electronic devices prior to going to bed.


Snoring is a very common problem. There may be many reasons for snoring, but fortunately, there is a snoring solution. The Sleep Connection Watch is designed to help you sleep through the night by gently prompting you to change your position when it detects a loud snore.